Shipment Entry — Shipment Tab
Use this tab to specify:
The shipment number.
The order number (or numbers) you are shipping at this time.
The shipment date.
Whether to calculate taxes automatically.
The ship-to location (from the Accounts Receivable customer record) or a shipping address just for the invoice.
An optional description and reference.
Use the detail grid on the Shipment tab to:
Specify shipped quantities, prices, discount information, and serial numbers for a detail.
Add miscellaneous charges to existing orders.
Add item detail lines if shipping goods without entering orders first.
Enter a comment or special instructions for a detail.
Include the customer's item number.
Enter a ship-via method and tracking number for a detail, if you plan to ship the items separately from the rest of the items.
Open the Items/Taxes form to enter tax and other information for a detail. This form lets you view all the fields for a selected detail without having to scroll through columns.
The Shipment tab also:
Displays quantities for the location specified on a selected detail line and totals for all locations. (You can also use the Finder on a selected detail line to display quantities for other locations.)
Lets you drill down to the order that you are shipping and to an invoice that was created from the shipment (if posted).
For information about another tab, click its name:
Click these buttons for more help:
See also
Shipment Entry form — overview
Credit/Debit Note Entry form — overview