Verifying Order Totals
Before posting an order, you can check the Totals tab to verify order totals, and to check the customer tax classes and payment terms.
The Totals tab displays the following information for orders:
Comments for the order.
Subtotal of all items ordered.
Subtotal of all miscellaneous charges.
Detail and order discount amounts.
Tax on the order (price-included or excluded). For more information, see Change tax information.
Net amount of the order.
Estimated weight.
Total of prepayments.
Terms discount available.
Outstanding order amount.
Number of lines on the order.
You can enter the following information in the Totals tab:
Any comments, using up to 250 characters, that you want to include on printed order confirmations, picking slips, and invoices.
Any discount that applies to the order. You can also specify whether to discount miscellaneous charges.
The number of labels that you want to print for the order. When you print labels, you can print the number of labels specified for each order. For example, to print labels for order confirmations only:
Specify 1 label on the Totals tab.
Choose the Require Shipping Labels option when you print order confirmations.
Choose Print Only Labels Marked As Required when you print order labels. Order Entry will print labels for the printed order confirmations only.
See also