Posting Orders
After you have finished entering all the details for an order, you post the order.
Exceeding a Credit Limit
If the order will put the customer account over its credit limit, the program displays a warning message and the following customer information:
Credit limit
Outstanding Accounts Receivable balance
Order amount
Last invoice amount and date
Last payment amount and date
Approving Credit
If you are using security, someone authorized to approve credit must enter their user ID and password before you can continue invoicing.
If you are not authorized to override the credit limit, or if you want to put the order on hold for later invoicing, select On Hold. If the order is on hold, you can post the order, but you cannot produce an invoice for it until you remove the On Hold designation.
Posting Orders To Non-existent Customers
If this option is turned on, Order Entry allows you to post orders and invoices to non-existent customers.
If the option is turned off, Order Entry prohibits the entry of the order or invoice.
Posting an Order without Creating an Invoice
The quantity ordered and the quantity backordered are updated for each item. (The quantity ordered but unshipped appears as the Backordered quantity if you select the Calculate Backorder Quantities option.)
The quantity on sales order (in Inventory Control) is increased for each item on the order.
You can print an order confirmation and picking slips, as described in the next section. (You can print the order confirmation immediately after posting the order.)
Posting an Order and Creating an Invoice
The quantity on hand (in Inventory Control) is reduced for each item that is shipped from the order.
The status of a line item is changed to Completed in the Order Entry form if the ordered quantity has been:
Fully shipped and invoiced, or
Partially shipped and invoiced, and you have set the backorder quantity to zero. The amount shown on order becomes a lost sale.
The quantity ordered, the quantity backordered, and the quantity shipped to date are updated for the order (if you display it on the Order Entry form or print it on the Order List). Order Entry calculates the backordered quantity only if you select the Calculate Backorder Quantities option.
You can print an invoice immediately after posting the order.
Additional Tasks During Posting or Day End Processing
Depending on when you cost inventory in I/C, posting may also:
Update item costs in Inventory Control.
Update sales statistics.
Create audit records or general ledger transactions.
If you cost inventory at day end, you must run Day End Processing in Inventory Control to do the above tasks.
See also