Invoice Action Report — Features
This report lets you find out whether shipments have been partially or fully invoiced and print the current amounts remaining to be invoiced. This report ensures that all product shipped to customers is properly invoiced in a timely manner.
For example, a salesperson can print a report by order number that lists all orders with uninvoiced shipments.
The main choice of report is whether to choose shipments by order number or shipment number — and the range of order numbers or shipment numbers to include on the report.
If you select by shipment number, you choose the range of shipments and, optionally, a range of customers or a range of salespeople.
If you select by order number, you choose the range of orders and, optionally, a range of customers or a range of salespeople. However, you can also choose the status of the orders printed, which involves choosing from a variety of shipment statuses and invoicing statuses.
You can then select a range of customers or salespeople.
Note that this report does not apply to job-related orders that use project invoicing. This is because after posting a shipment for a job-related order that uses project invoicing, that document is marked completed, and can never be invoiced in Order Entry.
For instructions on printing the report, see Invoice Action report — printing.
Information printed on the report
Depending on the options you select, the report can list:
Orders for a range of order or shipment numbers, also sorted for ranges of customer numbers, salespeople, and order or shipment dates.
Orders fully shipped, partially shipped, fully invoiced, partially invoiced, or never invoiced.
The order number along with the customer number and name.
The primary salesperson for each order.
Each item on the order, with the shipment date and number, invoice date and number, quantity ordered, quantity shipped, unit price and discount, extended amount shipped, and shipped but not invoiced amount.
The summary version of the report does not list the details for each item on the order.
Invoiced shipments if you choose Fully Shipped, Fully Invoiced orders.
Source- and functional-currency amounts.
Total amount for all orders (in functional currency for multicurrency ledgers).
The total amount of all orders listed, and the total amount shipped but not invoiced for all orders listed (in functional currency for multicurrency ledgers).
The contract, project, and category information for details (if you use the Project and Job Costing program).
See also