Entering Item Details
For each inventory item detail select or enter:
Line Type — an inventory item if entering item details. For information on miscellaneous charges, see Entering miscellaneous charge details.
Item Number — of the item being ordered. The information in the Inventory Control item record is displayed: order unit, pricing unit, and unit price. The pricing unit and unit price are based on the customer's price list.
Kit/BOM — if the item is a kit or assembly with more than one possible kit or BOM number, you can choose the particular kit/BOM for the detail line. (You can click the Components button with the line highlighted to check the components for the particular kit or BOM number.)
Description — supplied by Inventory Control from the item record.
Price List — from the customer record, but you can specify a different price list. If you enter a non-stock item, the price list can be blank.
Location — the code entered on the Order tab, but you can select a different location. If you enter a non-stock item, the location can be blank.
Expected Ship Date — the date you expect to ship the item. The default date is the expected ship date for the order.
Quantity Ordered — the number of units ordered.
Order Unit of Measure — the unit of measure for the quantity being ordered.
Order Weight Unit of Measure — the unit of measure for the weight of the item being ordered.
Price By — how the item is priced. You cannot edit this field. The item can either by priced by quantity or by weight.
Pricing Unit of Measure — the unit of measure in which the item is priced. You cannot edit this field. If the item does not exist on the price list, Order Entry uses the stocking unit for the pricing unit.
Unit Price — the suggested selling price for the item.
Price Approval — if you set up price checks in Inventory Control, approval may be required for prices that vary by particular amounts or percentages. This field shows all approvals.
Quantity Shipped — the quantity shipped or to be shipped on an active order.
Quantity Backordered — the unshipped quantity, if you are not shipping the entire order.
Unit Weight — from the item record in Inventory Control. If you are pricing by weight, the unit weight and extended weight determine the price. Otherwise, the weight is used only to determine the total order weight for estimating shipping costs. You can edit the unit weight.
Extended Weight — the quantity shipped multiplied by the unit weight entered for the item in Inventory Control (or entered here). If you are pricing by weight, the extended weight determines the price.
Extended Price — the price calculated by the program for the detail line after you enter a quantity shipped.
Discount Percent/Amount — for the detail line. You can also enter a discount for the order as a whole.
Discounted Extended Amount — the extended amount less the discount.
Category — supplied by Inventory Control from the item record, but you can specify a different category. The category determines the item's general ledger accounts for sales, cost of goods sold, and cost variance.
Unit Cost — editable if the costing method for the item is user-specified.
Costing Unit of Measure — displays the unit of measure if the costing method for the item is user-specified.
Comments/Instructions — that are specific to this item; optional.
Ship Via, Description and Tracking Number — the shipping carrier, along with a tracking number (such as the waybill number).
Shipped to Date — for drilling down to previous shipment and invoice transaction already added to this order.
Quantity Committed — in Inventory Control. This field holds goods for the order and prevents over-committing of stock.
Manufacturers' Item Number — inserted automatically here if entered in the item number field (for example, with bat code entry). Manufacturers' item numbers are defined in Inventory Control.
Customer Item Number — inserted automatically here if entered in the item number field. (Customer item numbers are defined in Inventory Control.)
Non-Stock Clearing Account — the account which you credit when you ship non-stock items to a customer.
Optional Fields — fields that you have added to order detail lines using the Optional Fields form.
Order Subtotal — the total value of items ordered, calculated by the program at the bottom right of the form.
Editing the tax distribution
To verify the tax distribution for the current item, choose the Item/Taxes button. You can change the tax class for the item, and specify whether tax is included in the price before returning to the detail grid on the Order tab.
If you are entering taxes manually (you did not select Calculate Tax for the order or invoice), you can enter or change the tax base and the tax amount.
For information about entering taxes manually, see Enter taxes manually.
For information about sales tax calculation, see Change tax information.
When you have finished adding an item line, the program recalculates the order subtotal and displays it at the bottom of the form.