9 3 Exporting Process Changes

Web Functions Wizard

9.3 Exporting Process Changes

If you are exporting a LANSA Web function application which has been configured with the Web Functions Wizard, your process specific Web components will be automatically exported with the process definition. These components might include:

  • <process name>_LAYOUT
  • <process name>_LMENU for the left menu component
  • <process name>_LMENU1 for the standard menu component
  • <process name>_LMENU2 for the DHTML left menu component
  • <process name>_RMENU for the right menu component
  • <process name>_HMENU for the horizontal menu component
  • <process name>_HMENU1 for the standard horizontal menu component
  • <process name>_HMENU2 for the DHTML horizontal menu component
  • <process name>_STYLE for style sheets used in a layout
  • <process name>_STDBANNER for banner components used in layouts


<process name> is the name of your LANSA process used with the Wizard.

When you export a process, all process related system variables with the prefix *LW3P will be added to the export list. Remember, you do not have to export any process specific graphic variables unless you are planning to import into a partition in a different LANSA system. Modify the objects to be exported as required. If you are moving to a different system, you may need to export some or all of these variables:

*LW3PMSP_<process name>

Image for menu separator.

*LW3RMBG_<process name>

Color setting for Right Menu Component

*LW3PBGC_<process name>

Default background color for the Client area.

*LW3PBGI_<process name>

Background image for the Client (body) area

*LW3PCLR1_<process name>

Default Layout Left/Horizontal Menu Color



Where the <process name> is the name you specified for a specific process.

Refer to 9.4.2 Exporting Customized Wizard Settings for other process graphic variables you may choose to exclude from your export.

Note: *LW3PCLR1_<process name> is specific to the Web Functions Wizard and is not supported in standard LANSA Web function applications.

If your Web function application includes a DHTML menu, you must export the component WIZMNUSCR. Refer to 9.4.1 Exporting Wizard Runtime Objects.