Step 1 Adopt the Layout

Web Functions Wizard

Step 1. Adopt the Layout

WIZ007 - Adopting a Presentation Layout

In this step, you will adopt the Layout Presentation from process iiPROC01 (WIZ003 - Customizing a Presentation Layout) to process iiPROC02.

1.  Execute the Wizard. When the Wizard Home page appears, set the Characteristic to Modify as Layout and select process iiPROC02, where ii are your initials. Press Go.

2.  When presented with the Select Layout screen, select the Adopt Layout tab.

3.  From the Select Process to Adopt from drop down select your first process iiPROC01. Press the Adopt Process button.

As this process did not have a previous layout defined, there is no need to check any of the optional checkboxes. These checkboxes indicate you want to remove the associated process variable, so the color will be adopted from the selected process.

4.  When the message "Process Layout successfully Adopted" has been issued, use a second browser window to execute your test function iiFN001. From the Left Menu, execute the Display Personnel Skills function. Notice how this page now appears exactly as iiFN001.