
Web Functions Wizard


WIZ006 - Defining a Style Sheet

Important Observations

  • Style sheets are a very quick and effective way to modify your Web function application.
  • Changes to the style sheet are automatically applied to the layout (i.e. a build of the Layout or Menus is not required).
  • To define a style sheet effectively, you will require some knowledge of the HTML tags used by your Web function application.
  • Style sheets can include tags, classes, ids, sub-classes or any other construct supported by Cascading Sstyle Sheets.
  • Common tags attributes can be selected and generated using the Declaration assistant.
  • Tag attributes are not validated.
  • It is your responsibility to remove any duplication and correct errors in the free-format entry area.
  • It is important to test your style sheet using all the browsers you intend to support with your Web function application.
  • Browse lists are not the only HTML table constructs in LANSA for the Web components.

Tips & Techniques

  • Browse list characteristics can be modified using the Browse list characteristic in the Wizard or using style sheets to modify various table tags.
  • When using style sheets be careful that you understand how and where the specified tags are used in your application.
  • Always test your style sheet to ensure the declarations you have defined, work as expected in your Web function application.
  • Ensure you test your style sheet in all browsers you support.

What I Should Know

  • How to define, modify and test a style sheet.

Other Tutorials

You are now ready to complete WIZ007 - Adopting a Presentation Layout.