9 1 What Do I Need to Export

Web Functions Wizard

9.1 What Do I Need to Export?

The Web Functions Wizard creates objects at both the system and the partition levels. The objects you need to export will depend on how the export is being used. There are two different types of exports and imports which you need to consider:

1.  Export from one LANSA system and import into a different LANSA system, i.e. 9.1.1 Export/Import Between Systems.

2.  Export from one partition and import into another partition in the same system, i.e. 9.1.2 Export/Import Between Partitions in the Same System.

Your export list will depend upon the type of export and import you are performing.

If your Web function application is intended to run in a non-multilingual partition, you should execute the Wizard over your application in a non-multilingual partition. If your Web function application is intended to run in a multilingual partition, you should execute the Wizard over your application in a multilingual partition. The Wizard is only supported as a non-multilingual product on LANSA for iSeries.