5 6 Tips Techniques

Web Functions Wizard

5.6 Tips & Techniques

  • It is recommended that you configure your Menu Features after defining and building your DHTML menus. This approach will allow you to see the default options and use the result as a basic model. If you then want to modify any of the menu features (e.g. font color of the top-level menu), modify only a few at a time then re-build to see how this has changed your menu.

    This approach will give you a better understanding of what you have just changed and how to reverse the change if you do not like the resulting effect.
  • The menu definitions (Standard and DHTML) are stored on the files DC@W31 and DC@W32.  To use the Wizard in a different partition and access these menu definitions, the data from these files must be exported to the partition where the Wizard will be executed.
  • The code within components or web pages used by the menu is the responsibility of the developer.
  • Any optional JavaScript is the responsibility of the developer.
  • When creating menus in multiple languages, configure a single language and test the menus before defining the menus in any other language. Only the Description, Static Image name, MouseOver Image Name and any Optional JavaScript will vary with language.
  • When creating menus in multiple languages, one of which is English, configure the English menus first. The English version will then be used as the basis for menus in other languages.


WIZ005 - Defining a DHTML Menu Component