1 5 WEBEVENT versus Procedural Functions

Web Functions Wizard

1.5 WEBEVENT versus Procedural Functions

The Web Functions Wizard has been specifically designed for use with Web applications written as WEBEVENT functions. WEBEVENT functions support the non-persistent connection state used by HTTP and the Internet, i.e. it supports the use of the Back key in the browser. For more details refer to WEBEVENT Functions.

The presentation layouts are designed for easy user navigation. Using menu components in your layouts, you can quickly and easily link to any number of functions or Web sites. WEBEVENT functions are required to support this type of rapid and random user navigation.

If you choose to use the Web Functions Wizard with procedural Web functions, you must be very careful with menu components. Before using any menu components, you must fully understand the LANSA for the Web transaction server and the execution architecture.

For example, procedural functions do not support the browser's Back key. With procedural functions, your functions should return to a process level menu before executing a new function or else your procedural functions can end abnormally.

The Web Functions Wizard cannot be used with Web Application Modules or WAMs.