2 4 Language

Web Functions Wizard

2.4 Language

If you are running the Web Functions Wizard in a multilingual partition, you can nominate the language in which Web components are to be generated and saved. This development language may be different to the execution language specified on the Web Functions Wizard URL.

On an IBM i, the language nominated on the URL will be used as the development language by default. If no language is included on the URL, then the system default language is used.

On Windows, the first entry on the language drop down will be used as the development language by default.

The language nominated may impact your Process's drop down. Only processes defined in the development language will be available for selection. If you change your development language, the current process will still be available to use. When switching between languages, it is advisable to restart the Wizard from the URL to ensure the correct Process drop down is presented. For more details, refer to 2.6 Process Selection.

For more information on generating components for multiple languages, refer to Customizing a Standard Menu and Customizing a DHTML Menu. The Language selected can only be modified on the Wizard Home page.