4 3 2 Menu Type

Web Functions Wizard

4.3.2 Menu Type

The Menu Type is used by the Web Functions Wizard to determine the HTML to generate for the menu item. A menu item can be:

  • A LANSA Web componentSelect the Use Component option to embed an existing Web component into your Menu component. The name of the component is specified in the Description field. Enter the component name in upper case. The Dynamic Button Style, Static Image and MouseOver Image fields are ignored in this case.

    The first item of the Right Menu component of the sample application is an example of a Web component used as a menu item. In this case, the Web component is a Banner component that cycles through a series of other Web components – set to cycle on every visit to the site. Using the menu item in this way allows for a number of promotional materials to be defined (as Web components) and LANSA for the Web then takes care of the cycling of these components via the use of the Web Banner component.

    The code within the component is the responsibility of the developer.
  • A LANSA for the Web page
    Select the Merge Page option to embed another HTML page into your Menu component. The name of the page is specified in the Description field. Enter the page name in upper case. The Dynamic Button Style, Static Image and MouseOver Image fields are ignored in this case.

    The first item of the Left Menu component of the sample application is an example of a merged page. In this case, it is a page that displays a search capability.

    The code within the Web page is the responsibility of the developer.
  • Static descriptive text
    Select the Description option to specify text as the menu item. The text you specify in the Description field will be displayed as the menu item. The Dynamic Button Style, Static Image and MouseOver Image fields are ignored in this case.
  • A Dynamic Button
    Select the Dynamic Button option to generate a button image. You must select both a style and color for the buttons. The text you specify in the Description field will be displayed as the button text. The Static Image and MouseOver Image fields are ignored in this case.

    This is the default menu type. The default value used for the button style and color can be set up using the 4.4 Menu Features

    The Web Functions Wizard is shipped with four button styles (only two are available for left and right menus) and 19 color options.
  • A Static Image
    Select the Single Image option if you do not want to have the MouseOver image effect. In this case, a single image is used for the menu item, i.e. the image does not change if the user moves his mouse over the menu item.

    You can associate a user hint with the menu item in the Description field. This tip is shown when the user positions their mouse over the menu item.

    Specify the name of the image in the Static Image field. Use the Image button to check if you have entered the name correctly or if the image exists in your image location.

    To locate an image use the File Search facility on the Left Menu of the Wizard.
  • A Rollover Image
    Select the Rollover Images option to specify a different image to display when the user positions his mouse over the menu item.
    You can associate a user hint with the menu item in the Description field. This tip is shown when the user positions their mouse over the menu item.

    You specify the name of the image used, when the mouse is not positioned over the item, in the Static Image field. The image for the mouse over effect is specified in the MouseOver Image field.
    Use the Image button to check if you have entered the name correctly or if the image exists in your image location.

    To locate an image use the File Search facility on the Left Menu of the Wizard.