Step 1. Review the Style Sheet Definition
WIZ006 - Defining a Style Sheet
In this step, you will modify the style sheet tag which controls the text color used on the Left menu buttons.
1. Execute the Wizard. When the Wizard Home Page appears, set the Characteristic to Modify as Style Sheet and select process iiPROC01, where ii are your initials. Press Go.
2. When presented with the Define Style Sheet screen, notice that several class tags are already defined. The existing Style Sheet was created when your layout was built for the first time in Tutorial 3 - Customizing a Presentation Layout, Step 2.
3. Select the Modify action for the class .leftmenu.
4. When the Define Style Sheet details screen appears, change the color value #FFFFFF to #823706. Press the Update button to continue.
5. When the Define Style Sheet screen appears, press the Build Style Sheet button.
6. When the message "Process Style Sheet successfully created" has been issued, you can test your function iiFN001 using a second browser window. Notice the text color on the left menu buttons has changed from white to dark orange.