6 2 8 General System Information

LANSA for i

6.2.8 General System Information

To display the LANSA Configuration Details screen, select Administration from the Main System Menu (Advanced), choose Review system settings from the Administration Menu and then select General information from the Review of System Settings menu.

The LANSA Configuration Details screen displays details about this LANSA system. It is frequently called 'LANSA About' as it can be obtained using the ABOUT action on the REQUEST parameter of the LANSA command.


                          LANSA Configuration Details

 Screen 1


 LANSA Details

 Version                 : 99.9       Spin Number            : SPIN999

 Last EPC                : 999        Minor Version Level    : X9

 Program Library         : XXXPGMLIB  Database Library       : XXXDTALIB

 Communication Library   : XXXCOMLIB  Owner                  : QOTHPRDOWN

 Machine Details 

 IBM i Version           : V9R9M0     IBM i Serial Number    :  999999X

 System Model Number     :  999       Processor Feature      : 9999

 Listener Details

 Job Queue               : X99LISTJQ  Job Description        : XXXLISTJD

 Subsystem               : X99PGMLIB

 Web Details

 Web Server Type         : CGI        HTTP Server Type       : IBM-Apache

 Work Library            : X99WRKLIB  CGI Library            : X99COMLIB

 Authentication Library  : N/A        HTTP Instance          : X99PGMLIB


 Library Name            : X99PGMLIB

 Open System Details

 Library Name            : X99OSULIB  Press Enter for Details



 Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Change  




Screen 2 contains IFS Details:

  • Communication Directory
  • Image Directory
  • Apache Directory
  • Integrator Directory

By option, you may capture this data on a save file to send to LANSA support. The save file is DCXSUPDTA and it will be saved in the LANSA_XXXPGMLIB/SUPPORT directory.

This LANSA IBM information is also available from the LANSA ABOUT command.