5.5.4 Delete a Task Identifier
When option 4=Delete is chosen from the 'Work with Tasks' menu, the Delete Task Identifier screen is displayed for you to confirm the deletion.
DC@P810005 Delete Task Identifier
Task identifier . . . : *TSK4071 Description . . . . . : User change request - Ref. 4071 Status . . . . . . . : CLS
Confirm this task identifier to be deleted
Delete this task identifier . . . ___ YES, NO
WARNING : Deletion of this task identifier will remove its history
Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages
Delete This Task Identifier?
A YES or NO entry is required.
YES will delete the task identifier and its history, NO will cancel this request and the task identifier and its history will not be deleted.
Note: A task identifier can only be deleted if its status is set to CLS (Task is closed) or FIN (Task is finished). You can change the status using the 5.5.3 Review/Change Task Identifier screen.
When you have answered the 'Delete this task identifier' question, you are returned to the 'Work with Tasks' menu.