5 2 6 Select the Objects to Review or Change

LANSA for i

5.2.6 Select the Objects to Review or Change

When the option to review access to objects defined within LANSA is chosen from the housekeeping menu a screen like the example following will be presented:


 DC@P400102              Select Object(s) to Review      


     Enter full or partial name of the object(s) to be worked with     

     or leave blank to select from a list of all objects : __________  

                                        Filter type    :               


 Sel     Object     Library    Type     Description                    

  _      ORDNUM                FIELD    Purchase order number          

  _      ORDLIN                FIELD    Purchase order line number     

  _      ORDMAST    QGPL       FILE     Purchase order header file     

  _      ORDLINE    QGPL       FILE     Purchase order lines file      



 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages  F15=Bulk Chg

 F16=SelectAll  F22=ShowLong




Using Select Object(s) to Review screen, there are three different way to nominate the field(s), file(s), process(s), partition(s), template(s), system variable(s), multilingual variable(s) or weblets required:

  • In full. Enter the full name of the object required.
  • Partially. Enter as much as desired of the partial name of the object. A search is made for all objects which generically match the name specified and the resulting list is displayed for subsequent selection.
  • Leave blank. In this case a list of all objects is displayed from which the desired object(s) can be selected. Using this method is not recommended as it can take a considerable length of time to build a list of all fields, files, processes, partitions, templates, system variables, multilingual variables and weblets in the LANSA system.
  • Select all objects in the list by pressing F16
  • Show Long Name for an object in the list by placing the cursor on it and pressing F22. Refer to Long Names for more details.

Filter type

A filter value may be entered to restrict the list of objects to a particualr object type. Filter values may be FIELD, FILE, PROCESS, SYS PART, TEMPLATE, SYS VAR, ML TEXT, WEBLET or various abbreviations for these types.

When a list of objects is displayed the screen will look like the following example which resulted from entering partial name ORD (and found 2 fields and 2 files which matched):



 DC@P400102              Select Object(s) to Review      


     Enter full or partial name of the object(s) to be worked with     

     or leave blank to select from a list of all objects : __________  

                                        Filter type    :               


 Sel     Object     Library    Type     Description                    

  _      ORDNUM                FIELD    Purchase order number          

  _      ORDLIN                FIELD    Purchase order line number     

  _      ORDMAST    QGPL       FILE     Purchase order header file     

  _      ORDLINE    QGPL       FILE     Purchase order lines file      



 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages  F15=Bulk Chg 




Using the resulting list of objects it is possible to:

  • Alter the object name and/or filter at the top right of the screen. The change can be to specify a full object name, a partial object name, a blank name or a different filter type. In all cases another search is made for the object(s) required.
  • Select one or more objects from the list by entering any non-blank character beside the object in the column labeled 'Sel' and pressing Enter. As described in 5.2.7 Review or Change the Object Security, the full object security display is then presented for each object chosen.
  • Select multiple objects from the list and press F15 to change the security details for all the selected objects.