2.14.1 Steps to Create, Review or Change HELP Text
The steps involved in the review, change or creation of a fields HELP text are as follows:
1. Select the option to | |
review, change or create | FIELD |
field HELP text on the | CONTROL |
field control menu. | MENU |
2. Select the fields for which | |
the HELP text is to be | SELECT |
reviewed, changed or created. | FIELD(S) |
| |
| <-----------------
| |
HELP text exists? |
| | |
____|_____ | |
3. If no HELP text exists, | | | |
for the field, optionally | HELP | | |
use the HELP text copy | TEXT COPY| | |
options to copy the text | OPTIONS | | |
from another field. |__________| | |
| | Cycle is repeated
|<--------- for each field
____|_____ chosen in step 2.
4. Review, change or create | | |
HELP text for each field | STRSEU/ | |
chosen one by one. Actual | EDTSRC | |
text editing is done using | UTILITY | |
the IBM SEU editor. |__________| |
| |
| |