9 11 2 User Defined User Profile Validation Program

LANSA for i

9.11.2 User Defined User Profile Validation Program

The user defined "user profile validation" program is used to validate user profile names specified in the "To User" field within the "Work with Developer Messages" facility.

The default program provided with the LANSA system to perform user profile validation is defined in the extended information data area DC@A07 and is called "DC@P9101". However, the user has the option to change the default program to their "user profile validation" program name.

To enable a user defined user profile validation program to be invoked these steps must be taken:

Step 1

Change the extended information data area DC@A07 by inserting the name of the user defined user profile validation program into positions 141 to 150, using the following command:



Replace 'AAAAAAAAAA' with the user defined user profile validation program name. Use UPPERCASE characters only.

Step 2

The user defined user profile validation program must be set up to receive 2 parameters which are:

Parameter Number







User/Group profile name - contains the name of the user/group profile to whom a developer message will be sent to.




Return code. Values
"Y" = Valid profile
"N" = Invalid profile



The default "user profile validation" program "DC@P9101" simply receives a user profile name and performs a check to ensure the user profile exists and returns a valid/invalid return code, however it is possible to achieve a similar result as "DC@P9101" by designing and implementing your own "user profile validation" program to perform a much more specific purpose such as a program to present a list of user profiles and return the selected user profile to the Developer Message program.