5.9 Frameworks and Groups
Frameworks and groups are used in versions of Visual LANSA which support the Visual LANSA feature, to establish a link between related components. Groups are a development-oriented means of grouping similar items together and frameworks are a business-oriented grouping of items.
When components are exported, frameworks and groups are automatically exported with them. See the section in this chapter on exporting and importing.
Both are maintained from a similar maintenance screen.
DC@P400407 Partition
Partition :DEM - Demonstration partition
Identity Sys Framework Short & Long Names 99999 - 10 Y DEMONSTRATION Demonstration System Framework
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=Messages F17=LastActDtl F21=Change
Input Options
To add or change frameworks or groups use the F21 function key. In the case of system frameworks and groups, only the names can be changed.
The identity number is made up of two parts. The first is the serial number of the server on which the framework or group was created, with any letters removed. The second is a user assigned number to make the identity unique within the partition.
Use this field to indicate that this is a system framework or group.
System frameworks and groups cannot be deleted. If you are creating a new partition and copying system fields from a nominated partition, the system frameworks and groups in that partition will also be copied.
Short and Long Names
The short and long names must be entered. The short name must be in uppercase but the long name can be in mixed case.
Framework and Group Deletion
To delete a non-system framework or Group, blank out the identifier, system flag, short name and long name on the maintenance screen and press the Enter key. System frameworks and groups cannot be deleted.