5.14.3 Work with Impact List Entries
When a Review of an Impact List is requested a screen showing existing entries in the list will be displayed. This will lock the Impact list for exclusive use.
DC@P410007 Work with List Entries Position to ..._____ ______ List : CR1234 Change Req 1234 - amend discount calculation Type options and press enter ..... 2=Reasons 4=Drop Entry 6=Add Note 8=Details 24=Related Related: 31-Field, 32-File, 33-Fun, 34-SV, 35-MT
Opt Type Object Description __ LIST List Level Information __ FIELD DISCAMT Discount Amount __ FIELD DISPCNT Discount Percent __ FILE INVDET INVLIB Invoice Details __ MT *MTXTDISCMSG Discount of 10% if paid by __ FUN INPR1 INF105 Calculate outstanding __ FUN INPR5 INF507 Refunds __ SV *DISCDEFAULT Discount default Percent
Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Add/Create Fnn=Details Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Find Fnn=Save
The entries displayed can be:
LIST: A list level entry. The result of batch searches are held as reasons against this entry. This entry is automatically created for a list and may not be deleted.
FIELD: A field. The field name and description are shown.
FILE: A file. The file name and library and the file description are shown.
MT: A multilingual text variable. The variable name and the value in the current language are displayed.
FUN: A function. The Process name and Function name and the function description are shown.
SV: A system variable. The variable name and description are shown.
Function keys
Add/Create, Details, Find and Save functions exist on the 'Work with List Entries' screen, along with the standard function keys.
Add/Create function key: Use of this function key initiates a Profile Search which adds the found objects to the list of entries. A Profile Search looks for objects with particular features.
For example
Fields with the word 'date' in the description and a length = 6
or Fields with a name starting AMT
or Files in library INVLIB and containing the word 'due' in the description
See 5.14.4 Impact List - Profile Search for a detailed description of this feature.
Details function key: The cursor must be positioned on an entry in the list and this function key pressed. The details of that object will be displayed. Refer to 5.14.7 Display Details of Object/Reason for further information. These details may also be displayed by using option 8 against the list entry.
Find function key: Use of this function will initiate a search on the entries in the Impact List. Entries which meet the criteria specified will be highlighted on the 'Work with List Entries' display. Refer to 5.14.8 Find Impact List Entries for further information.
Save function key: Use of this function will save the current contents of the list. The list entries and reasons are built up and displayed as a working list. The changes are not committed until this Save is used or they are saved on exit from the 'Work with List Entries' display.
Options available against a particular entry on the 'Work with List Entries' screen are:
2=Reasons: This option will display the reasons why this entry was added to the list and any user added Notes. The 'Reasons for an Entry' screen will be displayed.
4=Drop Entry: This option will flag the particular entry as ready to be deleted. It will no longer be shown on the list of entries. Actual deletion will be done when the list entries are saved by use of the Save function key or saved on exit from the 'Work with List Entries' display.
6=Add Note: This option will display a screen which will allow the user to add his own reason against the entry. The Note is 65 characters of free form text. This note will be shown along with other reasons associated with the entry when the 'Reasons for an Entry' is requested.
8=Details: This option will display details of this entry. Refer to 5.14.7 Display Details of Object/Reason for further information.
24=Related: This requests a related search be performed against this entry. The Related search will find other objects which relate to this entry and add them to the list of entries.
For example, if the entry is a FIELD and related Functions are requested, the related search will find
- functions which contain the Field
- the prompt function for the Field
- functions used in Rules / Triggers for the Field
and add these functions to the list of entries.
Refer to 5.14.5 Impact List - Related Search for details.
Related: 31-Field, 32-File, 33-Fun, 34-SV, 35-MT: These options enable you to quickly request a Related Search for a particular type of object. These Related Searches will run interactively.
Position to......
This consists of Type and Object values which can be used to position the display of entries to a page containing the values entered. Values for Type are FIELD, FILE, MT, FUN, SV.
For example
- Position to ......FIELD DAT will display the page of entries that contains the first field equal to or greater than DAT.
- Position to ......FUN ABC will display the page of entries that contains the functions in process ABC.