5 11 5 Steps to Use the File Maintenance Utility

LANSA for i

5.11.5 Steps to Use the File Maintenance Utility

Once the physical file to be maintained has been nominated and the desired maintenance access path has been selected it is possible to use the file maintenance facility.

The steps involved in using the file maintenance utility can be visualized like this:



1. Select the type of            |          |

   maintenance required.         |  SELECT  |

                                 | TYPE OF  |

                                 |  MAINT   |



2. Maintain the file using the        |

   type of maintenance selected.      |



                 |                    |                    |


                 |                INDIVIDUAL               |

                 |                 RECORDS                 |

            _____|____            ____|_____           ____|_____

           |          |          |          |         |          |

           |   ADD    |          |  SPECIFY |         |  SELECT  |

           |   NEW    |          |   KEY    |<--      |  BROWSE  |

           |  RECORDS |          |  VALUES  |   |     |  FIELDS  |

           |__________|          |__________|   |     |__________|

                                  ____|_____    |      ____|_____

                                 |          |   |     |          |

                                 | DISPLAY/ |   |     |  SPECIFY |

                                 | MAINTAIN |___|     |   KEY    |<--

                                 | A RECORD |         |  VALUES  |   |

                                 |__________|         |__________|   |

                                                       ____|_____    |

                                                      |          |   |

                                                      | DISPLAY/ |   |

                                                      | SELECT   |---|

                                                      | BROWSE   |   |

                                                      | RECORDS  |   |

                                                       __________    |

                                                       ____|_____    |

                                                      |          |   |

                                                      | DISPLAY/ |   |

                                                      | MAINTAIN |---

                                                      | A RECORD |
