5 3 3 Specify the User Profile Name

LANSA for i

5.3.3 Specify the User Profile Name

When the option to review, change or allow access to the LANSA system has been chosen from the housekeeping menu a screen like the example following will be presented initially:



 USRACCESS             Review / Change User Access                     


 Enter user name whose access rights to LANSA are to be displayed        




 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages   




Enter the name of the IBM i user who is to be allowed access to LANSA, or whose existing access rights to LANSA are to be reviewed or changed and press the ENTER key.

The resulting display will look like this:



 USRACCESS             Review / Change User Access                     


 Enter user name whose access rights to LANSA are to be displayed QPGMR 



 Menu name             Description of menu entry                 Access 

 MAIN SYSTEM MENU                                                      

                       Use a process                                _  

                       Submit a process to batch                    _  

                       Field control menu                           _  

                       File control menu                            _  

                       Process control menu                         _  

                       Housekeeping menu                            _  

                       Administration Tasks                         _  

                       Display submitted jobs - workstation         _  

                       Display submitted jobs - user                _  

                       Display workstation message queue            _  

                       Exit from LANSA                              _  

 PROCESS CONTROL MENU                                                  

                       Create a new process definition              _  

                       Review or change a process definition        _  

                       Delete a process definition                  _  

                       Compile a process from new or amended def.   _  

                       Review, change or create process HELP text   _  


 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages                          




The resulting display shows all menus in the LANSA system and all entries on each of the menus. When the screen is first presented the user's current right to use a menu entry is indicated by a 'Y' (for YES) in the right hand column headed 'Allow access'.

Additional entries are shown under the heading Visual LANSA Authorities. These are not IBM i menu entries. They are used to control user access within a slave Visual LANSA system.

Working from this display it is possible to:

  • Review the user's current access rights. Use the ROLL keys to roll backwards and forwards through the list of menu and menu entries.
  • Change the user's current access rights. Use the CHANGE function key to place the screen in change mode. Enter a 'Y' beside the menu entry if the user is allowed to use it. Remove the 'Y' from beside the menu entry if the user is no longer allowed to use it.

Note: Menu 'hierarchy' must be observed when allowing access to the various menu entries. For instance authorizing the user to 'Create a new process definition' (on the process control menu) will not allow access unless the user is also authorized to 'Display process control menu' (on the main system menu).


Note: Changes to a user's access rights to LANSA only take effect after they exit from LANSA, and any connected jobs, and then re-invoke LANSA.