5.13.2 Work with Application Template Definitions
When the option to 'Work with Application Template definitions' is selected from the Housekeeping Menu the first screen presented looks something like this:
Note that normal LANSA object security exists over application templates. This screen will only show those templates you are authorized to use. Security will also determine the options you are allowed to take for each application template.
Working from the 'Maintain Application Templates' screen, enter one of the following options beside a list entry:
1=Create: indicates that you wish to create a new application template. This action is only valid on the first input line displayed.
The application template name specified must be a valid IBM i object name as per the rules described in Valid Names on the IBM i in .
When option 1 for create is used, and if the new application template name is valid, a further screen will be displayed requesting that you enter further details. This screen is described in more detail later.
2=Review/Change definition: indicates that the definition of an application template is to be reviewed and possibly altered (if authorized to do so). This option is not valid on the first input line displayed.
When option 2 for review/change is used, a screen showing the detailed definition of the template will be displayed. This screen is described in more detail later.
4=Delete: deletes an existing application template (if authorized to do so). This option is not valid on the first input line displayed.
A confirmation of delete screen will be displayed, if you are authorized to delete the application template. Then the Maintain Application Templates screen will be re-displayed with the deleted application template omitted.
5=Review/Change commands: indicates that the template and RDML commands of an application template are to be reviewed and possibly altered (if authorized to do so). This option is not valid on the first input line displayed.
When option 5 for review/change is used, the next screen will be displayed to review and/or change the template commands. This screen is described in more detail later.
8=Review/Change Help panels: indicates that the HELP panels associated with an application template are to be reviewed and possibly altered (if authorized to do so). This option is not valid on the first input line displayed.
When option 8 for review/change is used, the next screen will be displayed to review and/or change the Help panels. This screen is described in more detail later.
17=Last Action Details: indicates that you wish to review the last action details recorded for the application template.
Enter this option against any existing template shown on the display. A screen will be displayed showing the last action details. This screen is described in Online Access to Last Action Details.
33=Propagate: propogates the selected templates. For more information, refer to Propagating Objects from the IBM i
(Change Sequence) function key will toggle the list display between display sequence and Template Name sequence. When the list is in template name sequence, a facility is enabled.