4 8 2 Choose the Process or Function HELP Text

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4.8.2 Choose the Process or Function HELP Text

If the option to "Create, review or change process HELP text" has been chosen from the process control menu and one or more processes are chosen using the method described earlier in this chapter then the Maintain Process HELP text  screen will be presented.


 DC@P100202              Maintain Process HELP text                    




 Either enter YES to maintain HELP text associated with this process?  

 Or     select the function for which the HELP text is to be maintained


     Sel     Function       Function description                       

      _      ADDCUST     -  Add new customer details to system         

      _      ADDORDS     -  Add new order(s) to system                 

      _      BRWCUST     -  Browse / maintain customer master file     

      _      CUSTOMR     -  Inquire about orders by customer number    

      _      INQUIRE     -  Display full details of a specific order   

      _      PRINT       -  Print details of an invoice                




 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages                          




The screen requests that either the HELP text associated with the process be chosen or the HELP text associated with one of the functions within the process be chosen for creation, review or change.

To choose the HELP text associated with the process enter YES at the top right of the screen.

To choose the HELP text associated with a function within the process select the function by entering any non-blank character beside it in the column labeled "Select".

Note: When the advanced menus and an Impact List are being used, only functions which exist in the Impact List will be shown in the list of functions.