4 15 32 Action SP Change Space before after Values

LANSA for i

4.15.32 Action SP (Change Space before/after Values)

Action SP is used in the report design facility only.

When action SP is used the following steps occur:

  • The "space before" and "space after" values associated with the DEF_XXXXXX command currently being edited are displayed on line 24 of the workstation and can be changed if desired.
  • If the new values are acceptable they are changed within the DEF_XXXXX command and the current report image window is re-displayed to reflect the changes.

A point about altering space before and after values are:

  • Space before and space after values can only be changed when editing a DEF_LINE or DEF_BREAK print definition command. Attempting to use action SP when editing a DEF_HEAD or DEF_FOOT command will result in an error message being displayed on line 24.