Add All Objects Worked on Under a Task Identifier

LANSA for i

Add All Objects Worked on Under a Task Identifier

When the option to 'Add all objects worked on under a task identifier to the list' is chosen from the Work with Export List Menu a screen similar to the following example is used to display a list of task identifiers that are valid for export:


 DC@P620014          Select Task Identifier(s)                         





Select a Task Identifier(s), so that all objects in current partition 

worked on under the Task Identifier will be automatically added to list 


   Sel   Task ID   Description                                         

    _    00000001  Design A/C module database - Ref. 0330             

    _    00000002  User change request - Ref. 0331                     

    _    00000003  Implement new A/C module - Ref. 0332                

    _    00000004  User change request - Ref. 0333                     



 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages                          




This facility allows you to add all objects to the export list (LANSA fields, files, functions, processes, application templates, system variables, multilingual variables and web components) for the current partition that have been worked on under a task identifier(s), by selecting a task identifier(s) from a list of valid task identifiers.

All task identifiers that are currently set to 'CLS' (Closed) status, and that the user is authorized to, will be available for selection to export.

When a task identifier has been selected, all objects (LANSA fields, files, functions, processes, application templates , system variables, multilingual variables and web components) for the current partition that have been worked on under the task identifier will be automatically included in the export list.

Any field, file, process, function, application template, system variable, multilingual variable and web component that is not already in the list is automatically added to the list.

This operation is performed while you wait.

Once all objects have been included into the export list it should be reviewed by using the 'Review/Delete Objects Already in the List' option.

During this review step, the default values used for exporting file definitions, processes and functions should be carefully checked and changed if not suitable.

The time taken by this option is dependent upon the number of objects that have been worked on under the task identifier for the current partition. When it has completed the Work with Export List Menu will be re-displayed with a completion message.