5.13.5 Review/Change Application Template Commands
When option '5=Review/Change commands' is chosen from the 'Maintain Application Template' Menu a screen similar to the following example is used to initiate the review and/or change (if authorized) of the commands that define the template:
DC@P750104 Edit template by IBM Editor
Template : CONIF Construct an IF / ENDIF program block Specify details of any other functions or application templates that you wish to browse or copy from while using EDTSRC on this template :
Process/Template name Function name ___________ ________ ___________ ________ ___________ ________ ___________ ________ ___________ ________
Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages
Working from the 'Edit template by IBM Editor' display it is possible to:
- Review the application commands that define the template.
- Change the commands that define the template.
- Indicate that details from other Templates or RDML Functions should also be copied into the source work area for subsequent browsing or copying.
This facility is virtually identical to that provided for the editing of RDML commands via the IBM supplied editor SEU.
Unless you are completely comfortable with the coding and construction of normal RDML programs and using the IBM editors to edit them, it is recommended that you do not use this facility.
It is recommended that the IBM Source Edit Utility (SEU) be used for editing templates. However, if SEU is not available the template commands may be maintained using the Edit File command (EDTF).
The construction of application templates and the use of application template commands is described in Template Commands and Variables in the . Make absolutely sure that you have read and understood all the relevant sections in this guide before attempting to use this facility.