3 4 Create a New File Definition

LANSA for i

3.4 Create a New File Definition

The steps involved in the creation of a new file definition are:



1. Select the option to create         |          |

   a new file definition on the        |  FILE    |

   file control menu.                  | CONTROL  |

                                       |  MENU    |

                                       |          |



2. Specify the name and description    |          |

   of the new file definition.         |  SPECIFY |

                                       | NEW FILE |

                                       |   NAME   |

                                       |          |


3. Working from the file definition     ____|_____

   menu specify the various components |          |

   of the new file definition.         |   FILE   |

   Use the Cancel function key when    |DEFINITION|

   input is complete to return to the  |   MENU   |

   file control menu.                  |          |



                 ____|_____    ____|_____   |   ____|_____   ___|_____

                |          |  |          |  |  |          | |         |

                |  FIELDS  |  |  LOGICAL |  |  |   FILE   | |  FILE   |

                |    IN    |  | VIEWS OF |  |  |VALIDATION| | ACCESS  |

                |   FILE   |  |   FILE   |  |  |RULES AND | | ROUTES  |

                |          |  |          |  |  | TRIGGERS | |         |

                |__________|  |__________|  |  |__________| |_________|



                 _____|_____    ____|_____      ____|_____   ____|____ 

                |          |  |          |     |          | |         |

                |  VIRTUAL |  |  BATCH   |     | DATABASE | |  LOAD   |

                |  FIELDS  |  | CONTROL  |     |ATTRIBUTES| | "OTHER" |

                |  & CODE  |  |  LOGIC   |     |          | |  FILE   |

                |__________|  |__________|     |__________| |_________|




A detailed description of the file definition menu and the processes that control the specification of the individual file components follow.