Field name
EQ,= ,NE,blank
blank, full or partial name
Pattern example:
_ _MM_ _
EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank
Field type
EQ,= ,NE,blank
EQ,= ,GT,> , GE,>=,LT,< , LE,<=,NE,blank
must be numeric or blank
EQ,= ,GT,> , GE,>=,LT,< , LE,<=,NE,blank
must be numeric or blank
EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank
Col Hdg 1
EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank
Col Hdg 2
EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank
Col Hdg 3
EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank
Reference Field
EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank
O/P attribute
EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank
I/P attribute
EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank
Edit code
EQ,= ,NE,blank
Edit word
EQ,= ,NE,blank
Default value
EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank
Alias name
EQ,= ,NE,blank
System field
EQ,= ,NE,blank
blank, YES, NO
Prompt Pro/Fun
EQ,= ,NE,blank
The value consists of two parts, a Process and a Function. Possible combinations are : both blank (no search), both entered (search on Process and Function), Process entered with blank Function (search on Process only), Function entered with blank Process (search on Function only).
Help Text
EQ,= ,IN, blank
EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank
blank, RV(range of values), LV(list of values), CF(file lookup), SL(evaluate expression), CL(call program), DC(date check), TR(trigger)
Last Action
EQ,= ,GT,> , GE,>=,LT,< , LE,<=,NE,blank
The value consists of two parts, a date in YYYYMMDD format and an action. Possible combinations are: both blank (no search), both entered (search on date and action), date entered with blank action (search on date and any action).
Possible values for action: blank, AE(exported to IBM i), CI(checked in), CM(compiled), CO(checked out), CR(created), DI(Deliver To), IM(imported), MD(modified), WE(exported to workstation), MC (modified by checkin), MI (modified by import).