4 5 Existing Process Definition Maintenance

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4.5 Existing Process Definition Maintenance

The steps involved in the review or change of process definition are:



1. Select the option to                |          |

   review or change a process          | PROCESS  |

   definition on the process           | CONTROL  |

   control menu.                       |  MENU    |



2. Select the process definition       |          |

   that is to be reviewed or changed.  |  SELECT  |

                                       | PROCESS  |



3. Working from the process             ____|_____

   definition menu review or change    |          |

   any of the various components of    | PROCESS  |

   the process definition.             |DEFINITION|

   When complete use the MENU command  |   MENU   |

   key to return to the process        |__________|

   control menu.                       


For a detailed description of the process definition menu and the review/change of each of the process and function components refer to later sections in this chapter.