6 2 1 Export and Import settings

LANSA for i

6.2.1 Export and Import settings

To display the Work with Export and Import Settings screen, select Administration from the Main System Menu (Advanced), choose Review system settings from the Administration Menu and then select Export and Import from the Review of System Settings menu.


  DC@P811901        Work with Export and Import Settings


  Compile and export IBM i target release  . . . . : *CURRENT

  Export LANSA object authority  . . . . . . . . . : MD       UD,MD,DD


  Include VL components in IBM i export/import . . : Y

  Include VL components between IBM i and VL . . . : Y   

  Include Web details in export  . . . . . . . . . : Y 

  Include Web details in import  . . . . . . . . . : Y       

  Include XML details in export  . . . . . . . . . : Y        

  Include XML details in import  . . . . . . . . . : Y        


  Import user exit program  . . . . . . . . . . . . : __________ 

  User defined Export/Import message logging program: __________

                                     and  library   : __________  


  Reference field propagation in import . . . . . . : Y     


  Export $$DTALIB$$ substitution default value   . : *PARTDTALIB

                    and Prompt on Import default . : Y


  Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Change




#1  Screen question is reverse of setting. A Y answer will not set the DC@OSVEROP option. N answer will set the option.

The settings on this screen are retrieved from the data areas. Change authority to these values will be available if you have IBM i change authority to the data areas and LANSA authority to the export and import menu options.





Target release



Also in compile settings category






VL components in IBM i




VL components IBM i to Visual LANSA




Web export



*NOWEBEXP     # 1

Web import




XML export




XML import




Import user exit




User defined message logging library and program




Reference field propagation




$$DTALIB$$ substitution default




Prompt on Import default for $$DTALIB$$ substitution






Compile and export IBM i Target Release

Positions 631-638 in data area DC@A07.

Specifies the TGTRLS value that IBM i compiles and saves in export are to use. The TGTRLS parameter is appended to LANSA compile and export requests.

Valid values include:



   VxRyMz where VxRyMz is a valid IBM i version.

   *N which means that the default for the command is used. New LANSA systems are shipped with this value.

If left blank, the target release used is *CURRENT, not the default for the command.

Export LANSA object authority

Positions 395-396 in data area DC@A01.

Specifies the level of LANSA authority required to the object for it to be exported.

   UD = Use authority

   MD = Modify authority

   DD = Delete authority

Include VL components in IBM i export/import

Setting *NOLADCOMP in data area DC@OSVEROP.

This controls how Visual LANSA component-related information is exported and imported between LANSA for the IBM i systems. A N (no) answer will set *NOLADCOMP and disable the export/import of VL components.

Warning: Use of this flag should be considered carefully to avoid loss of component details.

Include VL components between IBM i and VL

Setting *NOL4WCOMP in data area DC@OSVEROP.

A N (no) answer disables Visual LANSA component-related information from being transferred between a LANSA for i system and Visual LANSA systems. The flag affects the export, check out and check in functions.

Warning: Use of this flag should be considered carefully to avoid loss of component details.

Include Web details in export

Setting *NOWEBEXP in data area DC@OSVEROP.

A N (no) answer will set *NOWEBEXP and disable the export of all Web details. This includes Web components as well as web details associated with fields, functions and system variables.

Include Web details in import

Setting *NOWEBIMP in data area DC@OSVEROP.

A N (no) answer will set *NOWEBIMP and disable the import of all Web details. This includes Web components as well as web details associated with fields, functions and system variables.

Include XML details in export

Setting *NOXMLEXP in data area DC@OSVEROP.

A N (no) answer will set *NOXMLEXP and disable the export of all XML details. This includes XML components as well as web details associated with fields, functions and system variables.

Include XL details in import

Setting *NOXMLIMP in data area DC@OSVEROP.

A N (no) answer will set *NOXMLIMP and disable the import of all XML details. This includes XML components as well as web details associated with fields, functions and system variables.

Import user exit program

Positions 601-610 in data area DC@A07.

Enter an Import User Exit program name if required. During a standard import these bytes are tested. If non-blank, they are assumed to identify a user exit program that should be invoked each time that an IBM i level object is created or changed during the import. Such a program must receive 3 x Char(10) parameters identifying: (1) the object name, (2) the library, and, (3) the object type (in IBM i "*" style object type notation). This facility is provided only for IBM i.

User defined Export/Import message logging program and library

Positions 649-668 in data area DC@A07.

If this value is non-blank, the specified program in the library specified will be called during export and import when a message is available. The library may be *LIBL. Parameters passed to the user exit program are:

DC@IDS  A(1024)

Output only

Message type A(1)


Message ID A(7)

Output only

Message text  A(132)

Output only


For details, refer to User Exit - Export/Import Message logger.

Reference field propagation in import


A N (no) answer will set *IMPREFFLDPROP. If present when an Import executes, it indicates that Reference Field characteristics are not propagated to fields that reference those Reference Fields.

Note that if a Reference Field is changed subsequently, the changes are propagated to the fields that reference it, as usual.

The use of this flag is not recommended as fields may become out of synch with their nominated reference field. Therefore it should be removed from DC@OSVEROP (by setting it to Y) and set to N in Visual LANSA.

Export $$DTALIB$$ substitution default value and Prompt on Import default

Position 729-749 in Data Area DC@A07

These values are used as the default when an AS/400 export list is created. The substitution value is used to provide a default value for the $$DTALIB$$ variable. Typically, it would be set to *PARTDTALIB which will resolve to the partition's data library.

The Prompt on Import is used as the default value for the Prompt user when Importing flag on the $$DTALIB$$ substitution when an export list is created.