1 2 The Components of LANSA

LANSA for i

1.2 The Components of LANSA

There are three basic "object" types: fields, files and processes, that you normally manipulate when using LANSA. These three objects are reflected in the major developer menus in the system.


                        <entry to system>



      The LANSA menu      _____|______

         structure       |            |

                         |    MAIN    |

                         |   SYSTEM   |

                         |    MENU    |





          |             |               |             |

       ___|_____    ____|_____    ______|_____    ____|______

      |         |  |          |  |            |  |           |

      | FILE    |  |  FIELD   |  |   PROCESS  |  |   HOUSE   |

      |CONTROL  |  | CONTROL  |  |   CONTROL  |  |  KEEPING  |

      | MENU    |  |  MENU    |  |    MENU    |  |   MENU    |

      |_________|  |__________|  |____________|  |___________|

          |                             |

       ___|________               ______|_____

      |            |             |            |

      | FILE       |             |  PROCESS   |

      | DEFINITION |             | DEFINITION |

      | MENU       |             |    MENU    |

      |____________|             |____________|


Examples of the screens represented are given in  1.5 The Major LANSA Developer Menus.


There is another way to access the LANSA development environment.

It is called "Advanced access" and uses "Work with" style screens.

Before using Advanced access please note that:

  • You should first be familiar and comfortable with accessing LANSA in the normal manner.
  • The normal method of access is used in all LANSA guides and tutorials. When you understand a facility in normal mode, the use of it in advanced mode is easy and implicit.

You access Advanced mode access using the DEVELOPER(*ADVANCED) parameter on the LANSA command.

When this parameter is used the developer menus are structured like this:


                           <entry to system>


                            |            |

       The LANSA menu       |    MAIN    |

       structure for        |   SYSTEM   |

     DEVELOPER(*ADVANCED)   |    MENU    |

                            | (ADVANCED) |





      __|___   ____|____   ____|____   __|___   _____|___   ____|___

     |      | |         | |         | |      | |         | |        |

     | WORK | |  WORK   | |  WORK   | | WORK | |  WORK   | |  WORK  |

     | WITH | |  WITH   | |  WITH   | | WITH | |  WITH   | |  WITH  |


     |      | |VARIABLES| |VARIABLES| |      | |         | | KEEPING|

     |______| |_________| |_________| |______| |_________| |________|


                                               |         |

                                               |  WORK   |

                                               |  WITH   |





Refer to 1.6 The Major LANSA Developer(*Advanced) Screens for examples of the DEVELOPER(*ADVANCED) "Work with" style screens.