4.8.3 HELP Text Copy Options
If no HELP text currently exists for the chosen process or function, then the Create HELP text by Copy screen will be presented.
DC@P100205 Create HELP text by Copy
Process . . . : ORDERS - INQUIRE AND/OR MAINTAIN COMPANY ORDERS Function . . . : INQUIRE - Display full details of a specific order
No HELP text currently exists for this FUNCTION Optionally use any one of the options below to initialise the HELP text
Either copy HELP text from field . . . ________ Or copy HELP text from process . . ________ Or copy HELP text from process . . ________ function . . _____ Or set up a standard HELP text form by entering YES . . . . ___
Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages
Using this format it is possible to "initialize" the chosen process or function's HELP text by copying the HELP text from another field, process or function (within a process).
In addition it is possible to initialize the chosen process or function's HELP text to a "standard form".
The "standard form" that comes with the shipped version of LANSA can be changed. Refer to Formats, Values and Codes in the for details.
If you use a "standard form" for the help, you can alter it, using this procedure:
1. Sign on as the LANSA security officer and invoke LANSA.
2. Review or change the HELP text associated with field STDFORM.