5 6 4 Submit Job to Reorganize the Database

LANSA for i

5.6.4 Submit Job to Reorganize the Database

Select the option to Submit job to reorg LANSA internal database  from the Housekeeping menu. A screen similar to the example following will be presented:



 DC@P400201             Reorganize Internal database                   


 Submit this job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES  YES, NO        


 Using Job name  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REORGLANSA          

       Job description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL/QBATCH        

       Job queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *JOBD               

       Output queue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL/QPRINT        



 Change work spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO   YES, NO        

       Total FFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99   1 - 99         

       Total Compiles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20   1 - 99         


 Remove Multilingual support . . . . . . . . . . . NO   YES, NO        

 Purge Developer Messages starting from date . . . 00000000  (CCYYMMDD)

 Delete Deleted Partition Language Extensions. . . NO   YES, NO        

 Reorganize Shared LANSA system files  . . . . . . NO   YES, NO       

 Purge Task History starting from date . . . . . . 00000000  (CCYYMMDD)

 Remove deleted users from LANSA files . . . . . . NO    YES, NO       


 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages  Fnn=LastActDtl          




The resulting screen requests that the submit request be confirmed and allows the job name, job description, job queue and output queue to be changed from their default values.

If you wish to attach this job to another process or submit it out of hours, then use the 5.6.5 Remotely Invoke the Reorganization Facility instead of using this option.

Note: The batch job submitted requires exclusive use of the entire LANSA database. As such it should be scheduled so that it executes at a time when no other user is using LANSA or has used LANSA since they signed on. If the file which are shared by LANSA systems are to be Reorganized, the batch job will required exclusive use of those files and therefore, no LANSA system on this machine should be in use when the job is scheduled to run. No harm will result from submitting and executing the batch job while other users are accessing LANSA, but it will not Reorganize the database or only partly Reorganize the database.

Input Options

The following input options apply when specifying details of the job to be submitted to Reorganize the LANSA internal database

Submit This Job

Using Job Name

Job Description

Job Queue

Output Queue

Change Work Spaces  (PARM01)

Allows you to control the number of concurrent Full Function Checks and Compiles that can be run at any one time. When the LANSA system is first installed there is a sufficient number of members available for 99 concurrent Full Function Checks and 20 concurrent Compiles.

This field is defaulted to NO but can be changed to YES. If YES is entered, the number of concurrent Full Function Checks and Compiles that can be run at any one time will be changed to the number specified in the 'Total FFC' and 'Total Compiles' parameters by the Reorganize job.

If directly invoke from the LANSA command or the program the valid values are Y, N and blanks. The LANSA command PARM01 is mapped to this.

If blanks are passed, the default value of 'N' will be used.

Total FFC  (PARM02)

Requests the maximum number of concurrent Full Function Checks that can be run at any one time.

This field is defaulted to 99, but can be changed to any number between 1 to 99.

If directly invoke from the LANSA command or the program the valid values are 1 to 99 and blanks. The LANSA command PARM02 is mapped to this.

Total Compiles  (PARM03)

Requests the maximum number of concurrent Compiles that can be run at any one time.

This field is defaulted to 20, but can be changed to any number between 1 to 99.

If directly invoke from the LANSA command or the program the valid values are 1 to 99and  ' '. The LANSA command PARM03 is mapped to this.

If blanks are passed, the default value of '20' will be used.

Remove Multilingual Support  (PARM04)

Removes unwanted multilingual objects for this system. USE THIS OPTION WITH EXTREME CAUTION.

This field is defaulted to NO but can be changed to YES.

If directly invoked from the LANSA command or the program, the valid values are Y, N or blanks. The LANSA command PARM04 is mapped to this.

If blanks are passed, the default value of 'N' will be used.

Purge Developer Messages Starting from Date  (PARM05)

Allows you to specify a start date from which temporary developer messages can be purged from the system.

All Temporary developer messages that have a creation date equal to or less than the start date will be deleted from the system.

This field is defaulted to 00000000, but can be changed to any date. There is no date validation performed for the specified start date so please ensure the date entered is valid and is in CCYYMMDD (Century, Year, Month and Day) format: That is, a start date of 19911231 would be the 31st of December 1991.

If directly invoke from the LANSA command or the program the valid values are date in CCYYMMDD format blanks. The LANSA command PARM05 is mapped to this.

If blanks are passed, the default value '00000000' will be used.

Delete Deleted Partition Language Extensions  (PARM06)

When a language has been deleted from a partition the records in the multilingual extension files are not deleted. If this option is set to 'YES' the Reorg will check the languages for each partition and will delete any extensions for languages which have been deleted. The extensions are descriptions and help created using a particular language, for fields, files, processes and functions. These extensions belong to a particular partition/language combination.

For example Language 'AAAA' may be used in partitions 'XXX' and 'ZZZ'. Language 'AAAA' is deleted from partition 'XXX' only the extensions for partition 'XXX', language 'AAAA' are deleted by this option.

This option is defaulted to 'NO', but can be changed to 'YES'.

If directly invoke from the LANSA command or the program the valid values are N, Y and blanks. The LANSA command PARM06 is mapped to this.

If blanks are passed the default value 'N' will be used.


Warning: Back up of the LANSA database should be reviewed before using this option in case you may wish to reinstate the language to the partition.


Reorganize Shared LANSA system files  (PARM07)

Various files are shared by LANSA systems that exist on this machine. Typically these files are used for communication and include various LANSA for the Web files. These files exist in a common library sometimes called QGPL, sometimes called DC@COMMLIB, but can be another name. These files will be Reorganized if this option is set to 'YES'. This will require exclusive use of these files and therefore no LANSA system that shares the files in this library on this machine should be in use when this job is scheduled to run.

If directly invoke from the LANSA command or the program the valid values are N, Y or blanks. The LANSA command PARM07 is mapped to this.

If blanks are passed, the default value of 'N' will be used.

Purge Task History Starting from Date  (PARM08)

Allows you to specify a start date from which task tracking history can be purged from the system.

The purging of task history is controlled using:

  • The Retain Task History flag in position 639 of the extended information data area DC@A07


  • The Purge Task History Starting from Date

When the Retain Task History flag is set to N, all task tracking history that has a creation date equal to or less than the Starting from Date will be deleted from the system. If the date is set to zeroes, the history is not purged. Similarly, if the flag is set to Y the history is not purged.

This field is defaulted to 00000000 if Retain Task History flag is Y and defaulted to today's date if Retain Task History flag is N. The field can be changed to any date. There is no date validation performed for the specified start date so please ensure the date entered is valid and is in CCYYMMDD (Century, Year, Month and Day) format. That is, a start date of 19911231 would be the 31st of December 1991.'

If directly invoke from the LANSA command or the program the valid date in CCYYMMDDY and blanks. The LANSA command PARM08 is mapped to this.

If blanks are passed, the default value of '00000000' will be used.

You can set the Retain Task History flag via Retain task history on REORG in Work with Task settings.

Remove deleted users from LANSA files  (PARM09)

Allows you to remove those users from the LANSA files who no longer have an IBM i user profile.

If this option is set to 'YES' or 'Y', each user on the LANSA security file is checked. If an IBM i user profile does not exist, the user is removed from the LANSA files. For details of the information removed, refer to Remove LANSA User.

If directly invoked from the LANSA command or program, the valid values are N, Y and blank. The LANSA command PARM09 is mapped to this.

If blanks are passed, the default value of 'N' will be used.