4 15 2 Automatic Functions Manual Functions and their RDML Commands

LANSA for i

4.15.2 Automatic Functions, Manual Functions and their RDML Commands

This chapter has already described how LANSA works with 2 different types of functions.

  • The first is the "automatically" defined function. These have been automatically generated by the Application Template Facility.
  • The second is the "manually" defined function. The RDML commands associated with a manually defined function are input directly by the user.




          |             |

          | APPLICATION |                      |

          |  TEMPLATE   |                      |

          |  FACILITY   |                      |

          |_____________|                      |

                 |                             |

                 |                             |


                 |                             |

                 |                             |




                        |             |                         

                        |    RDML     |

                        |  COMMANDS   |




                   WHICH IS ARE COMPILED INTO



                        |             |

                        |  EXECUTABLE |

                        |   PROGRAM   |




For either "automatic" or "manual" functions, it is the associated RDML commands that are actually compiled in an executable program.

In addition, the RDML program associated with an automatic or a "manual" function can be reviewed and amended using the facilities described in this section.