5.4.2 Choose Your Task Tracking Approach
When you set up task tracking you need to choose the approach that best suits your needs. In many cases full task-oriented tracking is not required. You can choose from these four basic task tracking approaches:
Full task-oriented tracking
Developers are assigned a new task identifier for each new unit of work they perform on any product. Tasks may involve multiple developers and multiple products. Suitable for large sites, for sites with task-oriented methodologies and sites with product and developer cross-over. + Development is controlled, tasks are closed off - Administrative overhead. |
Task identifiers are assigned to products. Suitable for small teams which have little cross-over between products + Little administrative overhead - No product completion points per developer |
Task identifiers are assigned to individual developers. Small teams where there is little cross-over between developers. + Little administrative overhead - No product completion points |
One task for the entire system. Only system internal task tracking activities are performed. Suitable for small teams with trusted developers + Minimal administrative overhead. - There is no locking out of objects and you cannot export by task or inquire on task history. - No definable units of work |