4 10 3 The Process Main Menu

LANSA for i

4.10.3 The Process Main Menu

Whenever a process is used from a workstation the process main menu will be displayed.

Working from the process main menu any of the associated functions can be used.

The layout of the process main menu varies according to 3 factors:

  • The number and description of the functions associated with the process.
  • The "menu style" that has been defined for the process. For more specific details about the menu style options refer to creating a new process and miscellaneous process details in this chapter.
  • Any "additional menu options" that have been defined for the process. For more specific details about additional menu options refer to later sections in this chapter.

Some example process main menus follow:

Example 1

A process named ORDERS which uses process menu style SAA/CUA and has quite a few associated functions might look like this:


 ORDERS            Inquire and/or Maintain Company Orders          


 Enter number of function or place cursor on same line and press enter:


 _ 1. Add new customer details to system                               

   2. Add new order(s) to system                                       

   3. Browse / maintain customer master file                           

   4. Inquire about orders by customer number                          

   5. Display full details of a specific order                         

   6. Print details of an invoice                                      

   7. Display process or function HELP text                            

   8. Exit from system                                                 


 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages                          




NOTE: This first example menu is in SAA/CUA format, which is the RECOMMENDED STYLE for all newly developed LANSA applications. Refer to the LANSA Application Design Guide for details of SAA/CUA Implementation and why it is an important strategic direction for your company.

Example 2

A process named BOOKINGS which uses menu style NUMBER and has several associated functions might look like this:



 BOOKINGS             SEMINAR BOOKINGS SYSTEM                          


         Select function required by entering associated number        


                  1 - Enter/change a booking                           

                  2 - Lecturer details enquiry                         

                  3 - Maintain lecture details                         

                  4 - Maintain seminar details                         

                  5 - Display process or function HELP text            

                  6 - Display process main menu                        

                  7 - Select from list of available functions          

                  8 - Exit from system                                 


 Select function      :  ___                                           

 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages                          




Example 3

A process named EXAMPLE which uses menu style FUNCTION and has only one associated function might look like this. Note that menu entries C1, C2 and C3 are all "additional menu options" that have been defined for this process.



 EXAMPLE             EXAMPLE PROCESS FOR DEBUG                         


          Select function required by entering function name           


            ADDRECS - Add records to the name & address file           

            C1      - Display workstation message queue                

            C2      - Display job submitted from workstation           

            C3      - Display jobs submitted by user                   

            HELP    - Display process or function HELP text            

            MENU    - Display process main menu                        

            SELECT  - Select from list of available functions          

            EXIT    - Exit from system                                 



 Next function         : MENU    - Display process main menu           

 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages