5 13 9 Review Change a HELP Panel Body

LANSA for i

5.13.9 Review/Change a HELP Panel Body

When option '5=Review/Change Help panel' is chosen from the 'Maintain Template HELP Panels' Menu, a screen will be presented to you that shows an exact representation of what the HELP panel will look like when presented to a user of the application template.

An example of what a HELP panel might look like follows, but of course, your HELP panel may look nothing like this example:


 HELP010                   The IF / ENDIF Construct                    


 This application template constructs a simple IF / ENDIF construct    

into your RDML program. If you use it you will be asked 2 questions ...


 1. To specify a comment about what the IF command will test for. Your 

    reply should be brief and concise. For example : 'If customer is 

    over the credit limit'


 2. To specify the actual condition that is to be tested by the IF 

    command. Construct your condition according to the rules defined 

    in the Technical Reference Guide. Do NOT surround the condition 

    with quotes.    Some examples are :     


    #AMOUNT *GT #CRDLMT  --> amount spent is greater than credit limit)


    #CUSTYPE = A --> customer type is an A                             


    (#CUSTYPE = A) *AND (#AMOUNT *GT #CRDLMT) --> customer type is an 

                                   A and amount spent is greater than 

                                   credit limit  


    ((#A * #B) - #C) *GT 24.56   --> A times B minus C is greater 

                                     than 24.56  



 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages     




Working from the 'Review/Change Help panel' display it is possible to:

  • Review the HELP panel body in exactly the form that it will be shown to a user of the application template.
  • Change the HELP panel layout.

When creating or changing a HELP panel body, please note the following:

  • The entire screen from lines 2 to 21 is input capable. To change the layout of the panel, enter the desired changes and press enter.
  • The HELP panel body screen will continue to be re-displayed until you do not make any changes to the layout of the HELP panel.
  • If you accidentally erase your entire HELP panel by using the field exit key, immediately use the MENU/CANCEL function key to return to the 'Maintain Template HELP Panels' menu. Elect to change the help panel body again, and it should be restored to what it was at the last time you pressed the enter key.
  • The same 'special characters' supported for the input of LANSA field, process and function level HELP text can be used in your application template HELP panels:

Special Character



Display in high intensity

{(left parenthesis)



Display in reverse image



}(right parenthesis)

Revert to normal display mode


Revert to normal display mode



Some examples of using these special characters are:

HELP Text Input Using SEU       Displayed By LANSA As


the%item number\must            the $#item number#$ must

the{item number}must            the $@item number@$ must





Where multiple enhancement characters are used together with no spaces between them they are 'consolidated' into one enhancement character.

For instance '%{@' (high intensity, underline, blink) would be consolidated into one enhancement character that is used in the same position as the '@'.

The '%' and '{' are replaced by blanks. This explains why in the last example above the underline ('{') attribute starts under the 'V' in 'VALIDATION' and not one character before it.