2.16.4 Select the System Variable(s) Required
When you elect to review or change system variable definitions a screen format is presented that requests the name of the system variable(s) to be worked with.
If you have been working with system variables previously then the name will be pre-filled with the name of the last system variable you worked with.
Using this display you can nominate the system variables(s) required in 3 different ways:
- In full. Enter the full name of the system variable required. If the system variable is found then it will be immediately displayed in detail.
- Partially. Enter as much as desired of the partial name of the system variable. A search is made for all system variables which generically match the name specified and the resulting list is displayed for subsequent selection.
- Leave blank. In this case a list of all system variables is displayed from which those required can be selected.
When a list of system variables is displayed for selection it will look like the screen following (which resulted from entering partial system variable name *D):
Using this display you can:
- Alter the system variable name at the top right of the screen. The change can be to specify a full system variable name, a partial system variable name or a change to blanks. This results in a new search for the required system variable(s).
- Select one or more system variables from the list by entering any non-blank character beside the system variable in the column labeled "Sel". Each selected system variable will then be displayed in detail.