Add Non LANSA Objects to the List

LANSA for i

Add Non-LANSA Objects to the List

This option is only available for export lists with a target system type of AS/400.

When the option to Add other/non-LANSA objects to list is selected from the Work with Export List Menu, a screen similar to the following example is used to manipulate the export list:


 DC@P620009       Add Other Objects to List                            





        Enter details of all other / non - LANSA objects to be added   

        to the export list:                                           

 Note : Target library may be specified as a substitution variable     


                 Source       Object     Target      Copy data         

      Object     Library      Type       Library      as well          

      __________ __________  __________  __________     _              

      __________ __________  __________  __________     _              

      __________ __________  __________  __________     _              

      __________ __________  __________  __________     _              

      __________ __________  __________  __________     _              

      __________ __________  __________  __________     _              




 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages  F20=Find                        



This facility allows you to add to the export list details of objects that are not directly under the control of LANSA. Such objects will be included into the export run and imported into the target system as part of the import run.

An example of an object that is not under the direct control of LANSA is a message file. Message files are a native part of the IBM i operating systems and are widely used within LANSA.

Only new objects can be added to the list via this facility. Objects that are already in the list cannot be reviewed, changed or deleted via this facility. To do this use the 'Review/Delete Objects Already in the List' facility.

To specify details of other/non-LANSA objects, key in all required details and press Enter.

Alternatively, you may use the Find option. This will display a window where you can enter the criteria for a DSPOBJD command (object, library and type). Press Enter when you have defined your criteria and objects that match your selection will be displayed. Select the required objects by entering a value in the Sel column. The selected objects will be added to the Other Objects list. You may then enter the Target Library and Copy data values and press Enter.

If all required objects will not fit onto one screen use the roll up and roll down keys to scroll backwards and forwards through the list of objects.

If the object details are acceptable the screen will be re-displayed requesting that more object details are input. Accepted object details are not re-displayed and cannot be reviewed or changed via this facility. Refer to the 'Review/Delete Objects Already in the List' facility.


This must be a valid name as per IBM i naming conventions (described in Valid Names on the IBM i in Common Input Options). Additionally the object must currently exist in the source system.

Source Library

Must be specified as either a valid library name or as special value *LIBL.

Special value *LIBL indicates that the current job's library list should be searched to locate the object. During the actual export run, it will be the batch job's library list that is used to locate the object. If this is different from the interactive job's library list the object may not be found, or worse, the wrong object may be exported.

Object Type

Should be specified as per IBM i conventions. The exception is type *FILE which must not be used. The exact type of file must be specified. Allowable values for object type are as follows:






Chart format


Spelling aid dictionary




Session description




Translation table


Data area


Physical file


Data queue


Logical file


Edit description


Display file


Forms control table


Printer file


Graphics symbol set


Source physical file


Job description


Save file


Job queue


Spool file




Diskette file


Journal receiver


Tape file


Message file


BSC communications file


Message queue


Card file


Output queue


Communications file




Distributed data mixed file


Print image


Mixed device file


Subsystem description





Target Library

Specified as either a valid library name or as a special 'substitution value'.

If a 'substitution value' is used, the importer can actually nominate the actual library to be used as the target library during the import run. Substitution values are described in more detail in a later section of this chapter.

Special value *LIBL is not acceptable as a target library name.

Copy data as well

Enter Y in this column beside the required object. It only applies to physical files (object type *PF).

When this option is used with a non-LANSA physical file, the data in the file is exported as well. However, it is your responsibility to convert or replace data in any existing version of the file on the target system. This can usually be achieved by executing IBM i commands before and/or after the import run on the target machine. This facility is described in Review/Delete Objects Already in the List.

When you have finished using this facility, use the Cancel function key to return to the Work with Export List Menu.