5.11 The File Maintenance Utility
The file maintenance utility is a facility provided with the LANSA system that allows direct access to any file defined under the LANSA system.
The file maintenance utility can be used to:
- Add new records to a file.
- Inquire about individual file records by key. The selected records can be updated or deleted.
- Browse the file by full, partial or generic key. Individual records selected can be displayed in full, changed or deleted.
In addition, the file maintenance utility has the following features:
- LANSA object security checking is performed. Users cannot use the file maintenance facility to perform operations on a file they are not authorized to use.
- LANSA dictionary and file level validation checking is performed. Thus when the file maintenance utility is used to add, update or delete records in a file the action must satisfy all validation checks associated with fields in the file at the dictionary and file level.