5.11.11 Display, Change or Delete a Specific File Record
Whenever the file maintenance utility is required to display a file record in full a screen similar in layout (but not content) to the following example will result.
A full record display may occur as the result of direct record inquiry where the user enters the key(s) of the record to be displayed or as the result of the record being displayed and then selected from a browse list. In either case the type of display is identical.
This example is the full record of a record from a name and address file:
DC@P201107 Display File Record
File : DEMNAME DC@DEMOLIB Demo Names File
*... ... 1 ... ... 2 ... ... 3 ... ... 4 ... ... 5 ... Name code A00001 Name ACME ENGINEERING COMPANY Address line 1 101 AUSTRALIA STREET Address line 2 NEWTOWN Address line 3 NSW Post code 2042
Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages
If the file record contains more fields than can be displayed on one screen use the ROLL keys to roll backwards or forwards through the fields.
To change (update) a record use the CHANGE function key to place the screen in change mode. Make the desired changes and press enter. Changes made can be input in a totally free format manner. LANSA will automatically check that the changed value matches the length and decimal precision requirements of the associated field. In addition any dictionary or file level validation rules that are to be performed during update operations must be satisfied.
To delete a record use the DELETE function key. The delete is not immediate. You must confirm the record is to be deleted by entering 'YES' into a confirmation field that appears at the top of the screen. In addition any dictionary or file level validation rules that are to be performed during delete operations must be satisfied.