4 8 1 Steps to Create or Change Process HELP Text

LANSA for i

4.8.1 Steps to Create or Change Process HELP Text

The steps involved in the review, change or creation of the HELP text associated with a process or function are as follows:



1. Select the option to review,  |          |

   change or create process or   | PROCESS  |

   function HELP text on the     | CONTROL  |

   process control menu.         |  MENU    |



2. Select the process(s) for     |          |

   which the HELP text is to be  |  SELECT  |

   reviewed, changed or created. | PROCESS  |



                                  ____|_____         |

3. Choose either the process     |          |        |

   HELP text or the HELP text    |  CHOOSE  |        |

   associated with one of the    | PROCESS/ |        |

   functions within the process. | FUNCTION |        |

                                 | HELP TEXT|        |

                                 |__________|        |

                                      |              |

                                  HELP text exists ? |

                                      |         |    |

                                     NO        YES   |

                                  ____|_____    |    |

4. If no HELP text exists for    |          |   |    |

   the process or function       |   HELP   |   |    |

   optionally use the HELP text  | TEXT COPY|   |    |

   copy options.                 |  OPTIONS |   |    |

                                 |__________|   |    |

                                      |         |  Cycle is repeated

                                      |<---------  for each process

                                  ____|_____       chosen in step 2.

5. Review, change  or create     |          |        |

   HELP text for the process     |   SEU    |        |

   or function chosen. Actual    |  UTILITY |        |

   text editing is done using    |          |---------

   the IBM utility SEU.          |__________|