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To find out what oscilloscope measurement facilities are available, see the list below. For information on how to add a measurement facility - to be included at the foot of an oscilloscope trace - go to the Measurement details dialog box.

2ball6bFrequency. The reciprocal of the duration of one cycle.  
2ball6bHigh pulse width. The duration over which the signal is above a certain set threshold.  
2ball6bLow pulse width. The duration over which the signal is below a certain set threshold.  
2ball6bDuty cycle. The ratio of the time above the threshold to the duration of one complete cycle, expressed as a percentage.  
2ball6bCycle time. The time taken for one complete cycle.  
2ball6bDC voltage. The average voltage during one complete cycle.  
2ball6bAC voltage. This the RMS sum of the reading minus the DC voltage for one complete cycle.  
2ball6bPeak to peak. The difference between the maximum peak and minimum peak.  
2ball6bCrest factor. The ratio of the peak voltage to the RMS voltage.  
2ball6bMinimum. The minimum value recorded.  
2ball6bMaximum. The maximum voltage recorded.  
2ball6bRise time. The time taken to go from 20% of peak amplitude to 80% of peak amplitude.  
2ball6bFall time. The time taken to go from 80% of peak amplitude to 20% of peak amplitude.  
2ball6bRising rate. The slew rate calculated using the two samples either side of the threshold, on a rising edge, expressed as:  
Rising rate = (Vn - Vn-1) / (Tn - Tn-1)  

2ball6b   Falling rate. The slew rate for the two samples either side of the threshold, on a falling edge, expressed as:

Falling rate = (Vn - Vn-1) / (Tn - Tn-1)  

2ball6b   Voltage at X cursor. The computer identifies the samples immediately before and after the vertical cursor labelled 'x', then interpolates the voltage at the cursor point.
2ball6b   Voltage at O cursor. The computer identifies the samples immediately before and after the vertical cursor labelled 'o', then interpolates the voltage at the cursor point.
2ball6b   Time at X cursor. The time in the current cycle at which the trace crosses the vertical cursor labelled 'x'.
2ball6b   Time at O cursor. The time in the current cycle at which the trace crosses the vertical cursor labelled 'o'.

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