Display area


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The display area is the central area of the screen. It can contain a number of instrument windows, each showing test data in a different way. You might want to repeatedly use the same set of instrument windows. To save a particular window arrangement, you can choose any of the following options:

2ball6b Save to a data file. This will have a file extension of PSD. You can then re-load the file to see the data again

2ball6b Save to a setup file. This will have a file extension of PSS. You can then re-load the file to use the same settings, but without the data. Read in more data using the same settings

2ball6b Use the Save settings function. The next time you run PicoScope it will start up with the same windows and settings loaded
2ball6b Save the data for a particular window in TXT format, suitable for importing into Excel, and WMF, JPG and BMP format, suitable for importing into desktop publishing applications

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