Adding Templates
Order Entry templates are optional. They supply default customer and order information for new orders and new credit notes.
Before adding templates
Add the ship-via codes for the delivery methods and carriers you use.
To add a template
If the Template Code field is not clear, click the New icon next to the Template Code field, or choose New from the Template menu, then type the code you want to use. (If you are displaying an existing template, you can “copy” it to a new template code by typing the new code over the displayed code, making any changes you need to the information, and adding the record.)
Type a code for the template and an optional description.
Select the order type for the template and assign an optional FOB point and location, type an optional description, reference, and comment for the template.
Open the Customer tab and assign the customer type, as well as an optional tax group, ship-via code, price list, territory code, and terms code.
Click Add to add the template.
After adding templates
Open the O/E Options form and select one of the templates you have added as the default template code. The entries in this template will appear when you add a new order. You can change the entries as needed.
Click Templates form to return to the overview.