Order UOM (unit of measure)
This is the unit of measure that was used for the order detail line, and it is usually the UOM for the shipment. However, you can use a shipment unit of measure that's different from the order UOM.
Note: If the shipment UOM is different from the order UOM, the quantity backordered may not be calculated properly and may result in over-shipment or under-shipment.
Make sure the number of units you specify for the detail is expressed in the unit of measure you choose.
If you are directly shipping goods without creating an order first ...
The default order unit of measure may be either the stocking unit or the pricing unit. Stocking units and pricing units are defined for individual items in Inventory Control, and they may be different. For example, you may use "dozen" as the stocking unit for an item, but "each" as the pricing unit.
You can change the Order Unit Of Measure by typing the name or choosing it from the Finder. You must specify a unit of measure that is assigned to the item record in Inventory Control.
Make sure the number of units you specify for the detail is expressed in the unit of measure you choose.
Note: In Sage ERP Accpac 500, you can define multiple pricing units of order. If the Order UOM does not match a defined pricing UOM, Order Entry will use the default pricing unit of measure set in the Item Pricing form in Inventory Control.