Adding Ship-Via Codes
You add ship-via codes to identify the shipping methods or carriers you use to deliver goods to customers (for example, courier, air mail, parcel post).
Ship-via codes are optional. If you do not add them to Order Entry and specify them on orders, the Order/Invoice Entry form will display the ship-via description entered with A/R ship-to locations (if you specify a ship-to location for the order).
To add a ship-via code
Choose Ship-Via Codes from the Setup form.
Type the code for the new record. If the Ship-Via Code field is not clear, click the New icon next to the field, or choose New from the Ship-Via menu, then type the code you want to use. (If you are displaying an existing ship-via record, you can “copy” it to a new code by typing the new code over the displayed code, making any changes you need to the information, and adding the record.)
Type the name, address, telephone number, and fax number, and an optional comment for the code.
Choose Add to add the record.
Click Ship-Via Codes form to return to the overview.