Notes Items/Taxes Form
You can use this form to enter information for individual details on the credit note or debit note. The form displays all the information for a detail in separate window, so that you don't have to use the scroll bar.
The Items/Taxes form also lets you change tax classes and tax statuses for a detail, if the authority permits it.
To open or close the Items/Taxes form, select a detail on the Credit Note tab, then press F9 or click the Item/Tax button.
Click these buttons for more help:
To add or edit details on the Items/Taxes form
To start a new detail line, click the New button next to the Line Number field. To open an existing detail for editing, type its line number or use the navigation buttons beside the Line Number field to display the line you want.
Type the information or changes for the detail, then click Add or Save.
To delete details on the Items/Taxes form
To open an existing detail you want to delete, type its line number or use the navigation buttons beside the Line Number field to display the detail you want to edit.
Click Delete.
See also
Credit/Debit Note Entry — overview